Rémy Herrera

The urgency of the ‘Great Debate’ about the European Union

Herrera, a Marxist economist, a researcher at the Centre national de la Recherche scientifique (CNRS), who works at the Centre…

February 5, 2019

Where are leaders of the left in the current struggles in France?

Dec. 28 -- Many Yellow Vests say it over and over again: They have no leaders, and they don't want…

January 3, 2019

Macron, austerity, repression and the Yellow Vest revolt in France

Paris, France, Dec. 23 -- According to representatives of police trade unions leaving the Ministry of the Interior on the evening…

December 26, 2018

The Macron scam fails to deter Yellow Vest and union protests

Dec. 15 -- In his brief Dec. 10 television address, French President Emmanuel Macron outlined the measures aimed at calming…

December 18, 2018

Fourth mobilization of Yellow Vests reveal Macron’s acts of repression

Dec. 9 -- The French government deployed 89,000 law enforcement personnel throughout France to confront "Act IV" of the national…

December 13, 2018

Cops in France brutalize high school students who join Yellow Vest protests

A scene of ordinary life in France, in these times of conflict: On Thursday, Dec. 6, late morning, in front…

December 8, 2018

Towards a convergence of struggles in France?

Nov. 29 -- Television channels around the world had the pleasure of broadcasting street events that took place in Paris…

December 5, 2018

Paris, France: Battles in the shadow of the presidential palace

Today, the second big day of action of the “yellow vests,” a week after the first, brought out thousands of…

November 29, 2018

Mobilization of ‘Yellow Vests’ marks new stage of struggles in France

Paris, France -- A profoundly new mass mobilization has emerged in recent weeks in France: that of the "yellow vests."…

November 29, 2018

France: From state repression to state scandal

Paris, July 29 — In recent months, crackdowns on social movements in France have jumped several notches. The state of…

August 4, 2018