Nicolás Maduro

Venezuela’s president sends message to U.S. population

Caracas, April 3, 2020 To the People of the United States of America: For weeks now, the world stands still,…

April 6, 2020

Maduro habla al pueblo venezolano

Presidente Maduro habló al pueblo en una multitudinaria movilización que se realizó el 23 de febrero en el Palacio de…

February 26, 2019

Venezuelan President Maduro speaks to mass rally after provocations on border with Colombia

Caracas, Feb. 23 -- A massive mobilization is currently taking place here at the Miraflores Palace, the seat of the…

February 24, 2019

Carta abierta al pueblo estadounidense

Si algo sé es de pueblos, porque tal como ustedes, soy un hombre de pueblo. Nací y crecí en un…

February 12, 2019

From Venezuela: An open letter to the people of the U.S. from President Nicolás Maduro

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela delivered this Feb. 7 message to the people of the U.S. through social media. If…

February 9, 2019

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela calls for peace

The following is an edited reprint from an opinion/editorial,“Venezuela: A call for peace,” that first appeared in the online edition of…

April 4, 2014