Mumia Abu-Jamal (guest author)

The disappeared ones

Taken from an Oct. 31 audio column from In Mexico, fires are burning. I mean this metaphorically and literally.…

November 14, 2014

Ebola and the real health crisis

Taken from an Oct. 15 audio column at With the death of Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan shortly after his…

November 11, 2014

A nation in fear

Look at the United States. Really. Look at it. From north to south, east to west; from “sea to shining…

October 31, 2014

Herman Ferguson, ¡Presente!

His name was Herman Ferguson, and if you’re not dialed into the Black Nationalist Movement, the name may not ring…

October 17, 2014

A tale of two oppressed communities

Taken from an Oct. 7 audio recording at At first glance, the communities of Ferguson, in Missouri, and of…

October 17, 2014

Ferguson & the failure of Black politics

Transcript of Sept. 29 Prison Radio broadcast. The stark and moving images arising from the violence, repression and resistance of…

October 13, 2014

The meaning of Ferguson

Aug. 31 — Before recent days, who among us had ever heard of Ferguson, Missouri? Because of what happened there,…

September 27, 2014


Taken from an Aug. 25 audio column at As the body of Michael “Mike” Brown is consigned to the…

September 6, 2014

Night of pain — night of rage

Once again, a Black unarmed youth has been killed by a cop. And while the facts surrounding the shooting are…

August 21, 2014

Mumia on Israel: settler, colonialist, apartheid state

This occurred under George W. Bush, with the U.S. neocon administration winking, nodding and blowing kisses of approval. Today, under…

August 15, 2014