Mumia Abu-Jamal (guest author)

Unforgettable: Natalie Cole (1950-2015)

Taken from a Jan. 2 audio column recorded by Her voice, rippling like warm lake water, has been moving…

January 13, 2016

And now, Laquan

Taken from a Nov. 27 audio recording on Mumia Abu-Jamal will appear in a court hearing, via video conferencing,…

December 15, 2015

Tamir Rice’s life matters

Question: When is a child not a child? Answer: When it’s a Black child. That question and answer came to…

October 22, 2015

Politicians: servants of the wealthy

Sept. 15 -- It is impossible to look at the current crop of political presidential aspirants and not be struck…

September 18, 2015

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Trump and politics of resentment

When New York billionaire and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump launched into his anti-immigrant tirade against Mexicans crossing the border,…

August 13, 2015


Printed from a June 22 audio commentary posted on A young white man, barely at the age of his…

June 24, 2015

Ferguson U.S.A.

Transcribed from March 5 audio column posted by With breathless news reports, the U.S. Deptartment of Justice’s Pattern and…

April 6, 2015

Making torture legal

Taken from a Dec. 12, 2014, audio column posted on   In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Select…

January 3, 2015

Demonstrating respect

Taken from a Dec. 23, 2014, audio column posted by Throughout much of modern American history, the seasons of…

January 3, 2015

Operation restore trust?

Dec. 2 — The flames of Ferguson have eaten their fill, and its eerie glow has cast light on how…

December 12, 2014