Monica Moorehead

This rebellion is more than about police violence–a WW commentary

An earth-shattering rebellion against police violence and systemic racism just completed its fourth week, culminating with tens of thousands of…

June 22, 2020

1921 racist terror in Tulsa

This slightly edited article first appeared in the March 16, 2005, issue of Workers World. “The morning that the riot…

June 21, 2020

The 1921 Tulsa massacre: U.S. ‘ethnic cleansing’

Since Trump announced that his first campaign rally would be in Tulsa, Okla., on June 19, there has been renewed…

June 18, 2020

Why the police cannot be reformed

These edited remarks were made at a June 11 webinar sponsored by Workers World Party:“Why we must abolish the police.” …

June 18, 2020

Police terror, COVID-19 are women’s issues

These slightly edited remarks were given by Monica Moorehead at a June 7 International Women’s Alliance webinar: “Building our militant…

June 10, 2020

Step one, movement demands ‘DEFUND POLICE!’

June 8 — Today marks the two-week anniversary of the public legal lynching of George Floyd by four Minneapolis police…

June 9, 2020

Rebellion empowers Black players in the NFL

June 8 — The global uprising against police brutality, beginning its third week in the aftermath of the public lynching…

June 9, 2020

No es un motín – ¡REBELIÓN!

1 de junio. Un levantamiento militante liderado por jóvenes, provocado por el terror policial, se extendió por los Estados Unidos…

June 8, 2020

Rebellion against police exposes the haves and have-nots

Monica Moorehead delivered this talk as a panelist on a June 4 Workers World Party webinar “It is right to…

June 5, 2020

In response to George Floyd lynching, sports figures in solidarity with Black Lives Matter

“When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction. The cries for peace will rain down, and when…

June 4, 2020