Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly

U.S. out of Syria, Yemen, Iraq!

Oct. 24 — In a period of less than two weeks, the United States has expanded its military intervention into…

October 30, 2016

2016 WWP Election Campaign statement of solidarity with striking food service workers at Harvard U.

Victory to the striking HUDS workers! A living wage and quality health care are rights! End racism and discrimination in…

October 13, 2016

No borders in workers’ struggles

The following statement was released by Workers World Party 2016 presidential candidate Monica Moorehead and vice presidential candidate Lamont Lilly…

October 4, 2016

Full solidarity with the rebellion in Charlotte!

UPDATED SEPT. 23 Police and National Guard Out of Charlotte and Black & Brown communities! Full amnesty for all arrestees!…

September 24, 2016

Workers World Party condemns the blockade of Cuba

This statement condemning the continuing U.S. blockade against Cuba was issued by the Workers World Party 2016 Presidential Campaign. Cuban…

September 22, 2016

Free Rev. Edward Pinkney!

The Workers World Party election campaign expresses its total support for imprisoned Michigan activist, the Rev. Edward Pinkney. On Dec.…

September 14, 2016

#noDAPL: Debemos defender a Standing Rock

La siguiente declaración fue publicada por la candidata a la presidencia Monica Moorehead y el candidato a vicepresidencia, Lamont Lilly…

September 14, 2016

#noDAPL: Defend Standing Rock

The following statement was released by Workers World Party 2016 Presidential Candidate Monica Moorehead and Vice Presidential Candidate Lamont Lilly…

September 7, 2016

Solidarity with Sept. 9 prisoner strike

Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly, the presidential and vice presidential candidates for Workers World Party, released the following statement on…

September 7, 2016

Happy birthday, Fidel!

Statement of Workers World Party Presidential Candidate Monica Moorehead and Vice Presidential Candidate Lamont Lilly. People everywhere celebrated the 90th…

August 16, 2016