Michael Otto

Michael Otto

<span class="streamer2">Ecuador</span><br />Palestine solidarity; neoliberal president assaults Mexican Embassy<span class="streamer2">Ecuador</span><br />Palestine solidarity; neoliberal president assaults Mexican Embassy

<span class="streamer2">Ecuador</span><br />Palestine solidarity; neoliberal president assaults Mexican Embassy

Quito, Ecuador April 8, 2024 — Most of the world commemorated Al Quds Day on Friday, April 5. On Saturday…

April 10, 2024
Muerte Cruzada, Ecuador in crisisMuerte Cruzada, Ecuador in crisis

Muerte Cruzada, Ecuador in crisis

Ibarra, Ecuador June 3 — On May 17 at 6:59 a.m., Ecuador’s banker-President Guillermo Lasso faced impeachment by the National…

June 7, 2023
Perú’s people rise up, reject coup that ousted CastilloPerú’s people rise up, reject coup that ousted Castillo

Perú’s people rise up, reject coup that ousted Castillo

Ibarra, Ecuador Jan. 30, 2023 — Right-wing forces in Perú — with the support of U.S. imperialism — used a…

February 1, 2023
Ecuador’s popular movements halt national strike after tentative agreementEcuador’s popular movements halt national strike after tentative agreement

Ecuador’s popular movements halt national strike after tentative agreement

Ibarra, Imbabura Province, Ecuador July 3 – Representatives of popular organizations ended an 18-day national strike in Ecuador the afternoon…

July 5, 2022
Ecuador’s national strike at a crossroadsEcuador’s national strike at a crossroads

Ecuador’s national strike at a crossroads

Ibarra, Imbabura Province, Ecuador June 26 — The Indigenous-led National Strike in Ecuador that began June 13 enters its third…

June 27, 2022
Ecuador election: Analysts debate why neoliberal banker wonEcuador election: Analysts debate why neoliberal banker won

Ecuador election: Analysts debate why neoliberal banker won

Ibarra, Ecuador April 30 — In the wake of the April 11 second round of the presidential election won by…

May 4, 2021
Ecuador’s presidential election: What’s at stake?Ecuador’s presidential election: What’s at stake?

Ecuador’s presidential election: What’s at stake?

Ibarra, Ecuador April 9 — The latest polls before the April 11 runoff presidential election here revealed high percentages of…

April 10, 2021
Ecuador elections – The calm before the stormEcuador elections – The calm before the storm

Ecuador elections – The calm before the storm

Ibarra, Ecuador   Feb. 19 — Almost 10 million voters, a record 81% of those eligible, went to the polls Feb.…

February 23, 2021
After 2019 ‘Great Uprising,’ the struggle continues in EcuadorAfter 2019 ‘Great Uprising,’ the struggle continues in Ecuador

After 2019 ‘Great Uprising,’ the struggle continues in Ecuador

Ibarra, Ecuador October 23 — Ecuador’s regime mobilized all 47,000 national police to repress massive worker-student demonstrations in Quito, the…

October 26, 2020
Political strike shuts down BoliviaPolitical strike shuts down Bolivia

Political strike shuts down Bolivia

Ibarra, Ecuador Do Bolivian lives matter? The Bolivian masses are experiencing a perfect storm of social, health and economic crises.…

August 11, 2020