Martha Grevatt

Behind the poisoning of Flint’s children

The lead poisoning of children in Flint, Mich., now a national scandal, was entirely preventable. Lead is poison. People exposed…

January 13, 2016

Detroit autoworkers protest

Despite bitter cold and wind, rank-and-file autoworkers and supporters protested Jan. 10 outside the North American International Auto Show in…

January 13, 2016

Muslim meatcutters in Colorado battle Cargill for right to pray

Cargill, an international conglomerate with 155,000 employees in 68 countries, claims that “we help people thrive.” The 190 workers the…

January 5, 2016

Histórica victoria de sindicato de conductores de autobuses escolares de Boston

Después de más de dos años de ardua lucha, las militantes bases del Sindicato de Conductores de Autobuses Escolares de…

January 5, 2016

VW: UAW advances organizing in South

For decades, the United Auto Workers has been unable to organize a single non-union “transplant” — plants of Asian and…

December 27, 2015

Historic victory for Boston school bus drivers union as fired leaders reinstated, contract gains made

Dec. 22 -- After more than two years of hard-fought struggle, the militant, fighting rank and file of the Boston…

December 23, 2015

Korean workers fight back

Since its founding in 1996 during a massive strike against anti-labor legislation, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions has been…

December 22, 2015

Low-wage autoworkers reject rotten contract, walk out

Detroit -- As the clock struck midnight on Dec. 8, members of United Auto Workers Local 699 at auto parts…

December 18, 2015

Racist cop convicted of beating autoworker

Detroit -- “What goes around comes around” is a popular saying that suggests, one way or another, we all pay for…

December 10, 2015

UAW vs. auto bosses: contract struggle over for now

On Nov. 20, the International Executive Board of the United Auto Workers declared that Ford workers had approved a four-year…

December 3, 2015