Martha Grevatt

‘Battle of the Overpass’ – 80 year anniversary

May 26 marked the 80th anniversary of a bloody example of capitalist violence against unions: the “Battle of the Overpass.”…

June 11, 2017

Rally against ‘back-in-the-day’ firing

Before unions were recognized in the auto industry, a worker could be fired for the slightest infraction, even laughing or…

June 9, 2017

AT&T hit by coast-to-coast strike

At 3 p.m. EDT on May 19, 21,000 workers began streaming out of AT&T retail outlets across the U.S. These…

May 25, 2017

Flint still resists water crisis

April 25 marked the third anniversary of the ongoing Flint, Mich., water crisis. Dependency on bottled water has become a…

May 19, 2017

A veteran activist on: ‘Labor Rights Equal Civil Rights’

“Labor Rights Equal Civil Rights” was the theme of a historic “March on Mississippi” held March 4 on the Nissan…

April 6, 2017

Nissan workers want the right to vote union

“Labor Rights Equal Civil Rights” was the theme of a historic “March on Mississippi” held March 4 outside the Nissan…

March 23, 2017

Los burócratas sindicales traicionan a la clase obrera

El Presidente ultraderechista de los EUA pronunció su primer discurso ante el Congreso el 28 de febrero. En sus primeras…

March 14, 2017

Trump speech ‘his finest moment?’ Labor bureaucrats betray the working class

The ultra-rightist president of this country gave his first speech to Congress on Feb. 28. In the opening paragraph he…

March 8, 2017

Solidarity ends 10-month Honeywell lockout

Starting in mid-March, all locked-out Honeywell workers will be returning to work. Members of United Auto Workers Local 9 in…

February 27, 2017

Solidarity rally backs locked-out Honeywell workers

South Bend, Ind. - Hundreds of supporters rallied Feb. 11 in South Bend, Ind., to support United Auto Workers Local…

February 13, 2017