Martha Grevatt

Hondurans fill streets, resist electoral fraud

Dec. 4 — Amid substantial allegations of mass electoral fraud, the Honduran government is moving to impose the dictatorship of…

December 4, 2017

How can labor fight back?

AFL-CIO convention From Oct. 22 to Oct. 25 more than 1,200 delegates to the AFL-CIO’s quadrennial convention met in St.…

November 4, 2017

Auto parts workers say ‘UNION YES!’

A majority of workers at a Magna auto parts facility in Warren, Mich., voted Oct. 5-6 in favor of union…

October 12, 2017

Michigan unions fight union-busting

Lansing, Mich. — The scene was a sea of red outside the Capitol Commons building in Lansing, Mich., on Sept.…

September 29, 2017

UAW wins election despite intimidation

Warehouse workers at Penske Logistics in the Detroit suburb of Chesterfield voted on Sept. 13 in a National Labor Relations…

September 22, 2017

AFL-CIO’s Trumka leaves Trump council – He never should have joined!

In January, just a few weeks into the new administration, AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka committed class treason when he joined…

September 1, 2017

Mississippi union organizers at Nissan vow to fight on

In July, union organizers at the Canton, Miss., Nissan vehicle assembly plant took a historic step toward becoming the first…

August 9, 2017

Little Steel Strike, Part 2: Murders, mass arrests and union militancy

1937 Little Steel Strike, Part 1: Capitalists expose their brutality In 1937, Youngstown, Ohio, had a population of 170,000. On…

July 20, 2017

Serbian autoworkers strike Fiat Chrysler

Over 2,000 autoworkers have been on strike against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia, since June 26. They…

July 15, 2017

Little Steel Strike: Capitalists expose their brutality

The Little Steel Strike was one of the bloodiest strikes in 1937, and a setback for labor in a year…

June 30, 2017