Martha Grevatt

Victory in Detroit hotel strike

After almost a month of 24-hour pickets at the swank Westin Book Cadillac hotel in downtown Detroit, UNITE HERE Local…

November 6, 2018

Hotel workers strike in 10 cities

In eight U.S. cities and two in Canada, hotel workers are waging a militant strike against the Marriott hotel chain.…

November 1, 2018

Detroit joins Marriott strike

Some 160 hotel workers, including bartenders, servers, cashiers, bellhops, front desk workers and housekeepers at downtown Detroit’s Book Cadillac hotel…

October 18, 2018

Michigan labor on the move

Almost six years ago, Michigan became a “right-to-work” state. The bill, passed by the state legislature and signed by Gov.…

October 14, 2018

UPS rank-and-file overrule leaders, reject two-tier pay

The Teamsters union announced on Oct. 5 that a majority of members voting on a new contract at United Parcel…

October 14, 2018

Green energy vs. jobs and pensions?

The Sept. 12-14 Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, convened by California Gov. Jerry Brown, drew thousands of delegates…

September 28, 2018

Anti-union bosses hold Michigan motorists hostage

Detroit — Polls of Michigan residents repeatedly indicate that fixing the state’s dilapidated road infrastructure is a top concern. Yet…

September 13, 2018

Aretha’s Detroit bids farewell

For two weeks, Detroit has been mourning the death of Aretha Franklin, the legendary musical artist, activist and genuine philanthropist…

September 6, 2018

Pride at Work convention: ‘Proud and Powerful’

Phoenix, Ariz. — Pride at Work, the LGBTQ Constituency Group of the AFL-CIO, held its triennial convention Aug. 23-25 in…

August 29, 2018

Justice for Imam Hasan! Prisoner-workers have a right to strike

Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan has been on death row in Ohio since 1993, when he was wrongly convicted of killing…

August 20, 2018