Martha Grevatt

Se genera impulso para huelga general si Trump intenta golpe de estado

Un movimiento ha estado creciendo desde la resolución del Consejo Laboral de Rochester del 8 de octubre apoyando una huelga…

November 3, 2020

Tamir Rice denied justice – again

Cleveland On June 25, Tamir Elijah Rice should have turned 18. He would have been old enough to vote for…

November 2, 2020

Momentum builds for general strike if Trump attempts coup

A movement has been growing since the Rochester Labor Council’s Oct. 8 resolution supporting a general strike if Trump refuses…

October 29, 2020

How do we defend reproductive justice?

It appears likely that the Trump wing of the ruling class will ram through the Supreme Court nomination of Judge…

October 19, 2020

WFTU: 75 years of working-class unionism

The World Federation of Trade Unions marked its 75th anniversary on Oct. 3. Its 1945 founding Congress in Paris “spoke…

October 13, 2020

Thousands raise up Black Lives outside presidential debate

Cleveland While presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump were debating in what many have labeled a “shitshow,” thousands of…

September 30, 2020

Outrage over death of Black trans woman in Cleveland jail 

Cleveland Anger over the tragic death of 28-year-old Lea Rayshon Daye in Cleveland’s Cuyahoga County Jail came out forcefully in…

September 10, 2020

Anti-racist solidarity: Kenosha’s labor history

Since the near-lynching of Jacob Blake by police, the city of Kenosha, Wis., population 100,000, has become a focus of…

August 31, 2020

Fired for striking, grad students win reinstatement

Graduate student workers at the University of California-Santa Cruz, represented by United Auto Workers Local 2865, have won the rehiring…

August 20, 2020

‘No tax dollars for union busters’

Fired union janitors and allies picketed the downtown Cleveland office building known as “The Fives” on July 24, protesting the…

July 31, 2020