Martha Grevatt

From electric vehicles to corruption — UAW faces huge challenges

General Motors CEO Mary Barra raised more than a few eyebrows Jan. 28, when she announced GM would have an…

February 16, 2021

GM 1937, Amazon 2021: ¿De qué lado estás?

Bessemer, Alabama, situada en las afueras de Birmingham y con una población de 26.500 habitantes -alrededor de un 75% de…

February 9, 2021

Solidarity with Alabama Amazon workers! All out for Feb. 20 National Day of Solidarity!

Southern workers: We got your back! Organize the South! The Southern Workers Assembly has gotten behind the Amazon workers, calling…

February 8, 2021

GM 1937, Amazon 2021: Which side are you on?

Bessemer, Alabama, sitting on the outskirts of Birmingham and with a population of 26,500 — about 75% African American —…

February 2, 2021

Escándalo del agua de Flint: Un tirón de orejas para el ex gobernador

En abril de 2014, la ciudad de Flint, en Michigan, tomó la fatal decisión de cambiar su suministro de agua…

February 2, 2021

Flint water scandal charges: Slap on the wrist for ex-governor

In April 2014 the city of Flint, Mich., made the fatal decision to switch its water supply from Detroit Water…

January 20, 2021

“Justice for Tamir Rice”

On January 15 close to 100 activists from Cleveland and around the country gathered at a downtown park to demand…

January 15, 2021

Canadian autoworkers blockade minivan plant

Since Jan. 5, Unifor Local 444 has blockaded the FCA minivan plant in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Plant workers normally build…

January 13, 2021

Racist police killings: Year ends on a note of outrage

Cleveland — Three days before Christmas, Andre Hill visited the home of a family friend on Dec. 22 to drop…

January 6, 2021

Cleveland baseball team finally retires racist name, mascot

Cleveland It’s official. And it’s about time. After months of discussions and rumors, Cleveland’s Major League Baseball team announced Dec.…

December 21, 2020