Martha Grevatt

UAW members step up struggle against business unionism

Over 20 rank-and-file autoworkers spoke on a webcast Oct. 7, challenging the corruption, lack of union democracy and the “partnership”…

October 14, 2021

‘Inhumane conditions’ – Ex-jail director faces jail

Cleveland Former Cuyahoga County Jail Director Ken Mills was sentenced to nine months in prison Oct. 8, after a three-week…

October 13, 2021

La brutalidad racista contra los migrantes haitianos desata la indignación

El mundo entero ha respondido con horror y rabia a las imágenes de migrantes haitianos azotados y aterrorizados por agentes…

October 4, 2021

Racist brutality against Haitian migrants sparks outrage

The whole world has responded with horror and anger at images of Haitian migrants being whipped and terrorized by U.S.…

September 27, 2021

Women’s soccer players want Equal play Equal pay

Discrimination on the basis of sex has been illegal since the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed.  Yet somehow, in…

September 22, 2021

Latin America: 2021 has been a year of struggle

Mass demonstrations and strikes targeting unpopular governments and foreign business interests are taking place all over Latin America. Throughout 2021…

September 21, 2021

​​Strike mood shows UAW members tired of concessions

Several hundred workers at auto parts supplier ZF struck the company in Marysville, Mich., Sept. 9. They are demanding union…

September 14, 2021

Ed Asner, actor and activist

On Aug. 29, Ed Asner passed away. To television watchers he is best known for his Emmy-winning performances as Lou…

September 8, 2021

Big developments in Amazon union struggle

The boss of Amazon is probably one of the most unpopular capitalists of all time. As Jeff Bezos prepared to…

August 10, 2021

Finally the racist baseball team name and mascot are leaving Cleveland

Cleveland The big front page news July 24 was the new name of the city’s Major League Baseball team: the…

July 26, 2021