Martha Grevatt

China welcomes Chinese translation of ‘Capitalism on a Ventilator’

We have very exciting news! The Chinese translation of “Capitalism on a Ventilator — The Impact of COVID-19 in China…

January 26, 2022

In honor of Dr. King: Actions support Amazon workers

Amazon, which bought Whole Foods in 2017, is the second-largest employer in the U.S. and has made record profits during…

January 18, 2022

Starbucks union push comes to Ohio

Cleveland Early in the morning of Jan. 10, another group of Starbucks workers — called “partners” — filed for a…

January 13, 2022

Student workers win big on both coasts

After 10 weeks on the picket line, student workers at Columbia University are claiming victory. The members of Student Workers…

January 12, 2022

NLRB ruling an organizing tool for Amazon union drive

Amazon’s vicious union busting has come under widespread scrutiny by the world’s working class — and even by some elements…

January 6, 2022

Solidarity rally for Kellogg’s strike

Battle Creek, Michigan Bulletin: Kellogg’s workers voted Dec. 19 to approve the latest contract offer, ending the strike. Close to…

December 21, 2021

Kellogg’s workers vote to stay on str-r-r-ike!

On strike since Oct. 5, 1,400 Kellogg’s workers have overwhelmingly rejected management’s second contract offer and are still walking the…

December 15, 2021

Baseball players union blasts owners for lockout

At midnight Dec. 2, immediately after the contract between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association expired,…

December 10, 2021

Rank-and-file democracy wins in the UAW

From Oct. 19 through Nov. 29, working and retired members of the United Auto Workers participated in a referendum vote…

December 10, 2021

Hondurans reject coup regime – ¡Xiomara presidente!

On January 27, after nearly 13 years under a “narcodictatorship” responsible for thousands of assassinations, kidnappings and imprisonments, the people…

December 7, 2021