Martha Grevatt

¡Disuelve la OTAN! Paren a los EE.UU./OTAN: ¡Provocador de la guerra en Ucrania!

28 de febrero de 2022 El Partido del Mundo Obrero se une a las muchas organizaciones anti-guerra y anti-imperialistas, aquí…

March 1, 2022

Cleveland Starbucks workers: ‘We are stronger together’

Cleveland The Starbucks union organizing is moving faster than a runaway train. Workers at over 100 stores have now filed…

February 24, 2022

‘End the war against the poor!’

The Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition, the Greater Cleveland Housing Justice Coalition and allies held a joint demonstration Feb. 20 to…

February 22, 2022

Black History Month – Heroes of Flint Sit-down Strike

February 11 marked the 85th anniversary of the victory in the Flint Sit-Down Strike. While this is one of the…

February 17, 2022

Workers World message to ‘The International’ Marxist magazine  

Workers World newspaper congratulates Progressive Thinkers for its first year of consistent monthly publication of “The International” ( as an…

February 17, 2022

Puerto Rico: teachers strike against austerity

Teachers in Puerto Rico began staying off the job and protesting Feb. 4, the day of this march. The Puerto…

February 16, 2022

Gran victoria sindical para los trabajadores de GM en México

Los trabajadores de General Motors en Silao, México, han hecho historia.  Han logrado tener el primer sindicato independiente en cualquier…

February 15, 2022

Tamir Rice denied justice once again

Cleveland The family of Tamir Rice recently received another piece of infuriating news. The U.S. Department of Justice refused to…

February 11, 2022

Big union win for Mexico’s GM workers

General Motors workers in Silao, Mexico, have made history.  They have voted in the first independent union in any Mexican…

February 9, 2022

New trend/ U.S. workers strike and organize at a new pace

This lightly edited article, based on an interview with Workers World Managing Editor Martha Grevatt, was published Feb. 2 in…

February 5, 2022