Martha Grevatt

Railroad contracts: Biden, Walsh thwart use of strike weapon

As the deadline for a national railroad strike loomed, President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh hammered…

September 23, 2022

Activists get reproductive justice, voter access on Michigan ballot

Michigan’s progressive movement scored a victory, when the Michigan Supreme Court ruled Sept. 8 to allow two progressive initiatives to…

September 12, 2022

Cyber surveillance = 21st century Taylorism

“In the factory we have a lifeless mechanism,” Karl Marx wrote in “Capital,” whereby the worker “becomes its mere living…

September 5, 2022

Columbus community protests another police killing

The Columbus, Ohio, area has one of the highest rates of police shootings in the country. Since 2018 there have…

September 5, 2022

Michigan: ballot initiative huge advance for reproductive justice

Bulletin: On August 31, with a 2-2 deadlock vote, the Michigan State Board of Canvassers overturned the decision of the…

August 31, 2022

Momentum builds to stop the new jail plan

Over 100 Greater Cleveland community members turned out Aug. 25 for a “Community meeting” held to purportedly hear from Cuyahoga…

August 30, 2022

Members United slate forms to revive UAW’s fighting tradition

“Change is coming to the UAW.”  This is the promise made to the rank and file of the United Auto…

August 16, 2022

Michigan primary election – Rep. Rashida Tlaib wins, Zionists lose 

Rashida Tlaib of Detroit made history Jan. 3, 2019, when she became the first Palestinian-American Representative in the U.S. Congress.…

August 12, 2022

Michigan prison authorities ban dictionaries, activists win reversal

In a June 2 story, National Public Radio broke the news that the Michigan Department of Corrections had, over the…

August 5, 2022

UAW Convention
Militants open struggle against business unionism

Detroit February 11, 1937, marks the victory of the 44-day Flint Sit-down Strike that forced General Motors to recognize the…

August 4, 2022