Manuel Raposo (guest author)

A view of the USA from Portugal: ‘Not a riot — rebellion!

The author is a Portuguese left communist and editor of This article was translated by WW Managing Editor John…

June 13, 2020

The viral crisis in light of the crisis of capitalism

The author is a veteran Portuguese Marxist and an editor of the web magazine Workers World publishes this March…

March 30, 2020

It’s not Iran’s military power that frightens the U.S.

Published in on Jan. 31. Translation by John Catalinotto. Jan. 31 -- The crisis that the U.S. created with…

February 3, 2020

A Portuguese Marxist examines the bizarre Brexit ‘circus’

Raposo is a Portuguese Marxist and analyst. This article was published Oct. 23 on the website Translation by John…

November 2, 2019

U.S. in search of an imperialist ‘new order’

Raposo is a Portuguese Marxist and analyst. This article was published March 28 on the website Translation by Workers…

April 2, 2019