Manuel Raposo (guest author)

Does the European Union still exist?

This article was published on June 19, 2024, on, a web magazine edited by Raposo. Translation: John Catalinotto. The…

June 25, 2024

The left’s reaction to the BRICS

The author is editor of, a Portuguese Marxist web magazine. Published Sept. 4, 2023, this article was translated into…

September 8, 2023

Is Ukraine war at a turning point?

Published on on Nov. 21, 2022. Translation: John Catalinotto. Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley said: Ukraine cannot expect a…

December 2, 2022

In the end, who promotes fascism?

The author is editor of the Portuguese Marxist webzine, where this article was published Sept. 30. Translation: John Catalinotto.…

October 7, 2022

Where it does not dominate, U.S. imperialism sows chaos

Raposo is editor of the Portuguese web magazine,, where this article was published Aug. 10. Translation: John Catalinotto. While…

August 17, 2022

NATO’s globalist ambition Finland, Sweden: Two more pawns for U.S. dominance

The author is editor of the Portuguese web magazine, where the article was published May 18. Translator: John Catalinotto…

May 23, 2022

Which side are you on? U.S.-EU vs. Russia-China

Raposo, editor of, in which this article was published Jan. 26, refutes the conclusions of another article titled, “Putin…

January 30, 2022

A Marxist view from Portugal on U.S. elections and decline of Washington’s power

A Portuguese Marxist analyst looks at the Trump vs. Biden election, assessing its possible impact on U.S. foreign policy. This…

September 23, 2020

A view of the USA from Portugal: ‘Not a riot — rebellion!

The author is a Portuguese left communist and editor of This article was translated by WW Managing Editor John…

June 13, 2020

The viral crisis in light of the crisis of capitalism

The author is a veteran Portuguese Marxist and an editor of the web magazine Workers World publishes this March…

March 30, 2020