Makasi Motema

Comentario de WW/MO Organizar asambleas obreras, ¡construir un mundo obrero!

Quemando las comunidades como un fuego furioso, el COVID-19 nos quita a los más vulnerables. Ya envenenado por el racismo…

April 21, 2020

Build Workers Assemblies, build a workers’ world!

Burning through communities like a raging fire, COVID-19 takes from us those most vulnerable. Already poisoned by environmental racism, people…

April 13, 2020

Mass organizing to win revolutionary socialism — WW commentary

Revolutionary change is coming. As the ravenous capitalist class continues their ruthless plundering of labor value from working people, societal…

March 12, 2020

¿Cómo podemos deshacernos del capitalismo?

La siguiente charla ligeramente editada se dio en una clase sobre “Por qué necesitamos una revolución” en la ciudad de…

March 10, 2020

How can we get rid of capitalism?

The following slightly edited talk was given at a class on “Why We Need a Revolution” in New York City…

March 4, 2020

Youth, the workers and the struggle against war

Excerpted from a talk given at the Jan. 9 Workers World Party forum in New York City,“The growing U.S. war…

January 15, 2020

The lies are the same about racism at home and abroad

These slightly edited remarks were made at a Nov. 23 Workers World Party forum titled, “What road to socialism?” Motema…

December 3, 2019

‘You can’t call yourself anti-racist if you’re not anti-imperialist’

The following slightly edited remarks against the fascist coup in Bolivia were made by Makasi Motema on behalf of Workers…

November 22, 2019

What would a people’s impeachment look like?

Our news cycle is dominated by one overwhelming, all-encompassing story. While millions of people in the U.S. suffer without medical…

October 15, 2019

The conviction of Amber Guyger and fear of a ‘racial powder keg’

Five years after the murder of Michael Brown, the people have achieved an apparent victory: the indictment, conviction and impending…

October 8, 2019