Lyn Neeley

Portland actions back pro-Palestine store workers, disrupt tree lighting

Portland, Oregon On one of the busiest food shopping days of the year, Nov. 22, Portland protesters rallied at New…

December 1, 2023

Portland teachers historic strike

In their first-ever strike, Portland teachers walked off the job on Nov. 1. They are demanding smaller class sizes, the…

November 14, 2023

Portland’s first teachers strike

Portland, Oregon For the first time ever, Portland’s 4,300 teachers are on strike and closed down schools beginning on Nov.…

November 10, 2023

Portland Cuba solidarity rally

Portland [Oregon] End the Blockade of Cuba Coalition held a rally on Oct. 28. Maddi from Workers World Party spoke…

November 2, 2023

Portlanders protest city’s deals with fossil fuel companies

Portland, Oregon For years, dozens of Portland and Oregon organizations and community members have been protesting the growth of 10…

September 20, 2023

ON STRIKE: Southern Washington Educators

A huge picket line stretched nearly a half mile around the Washington State Evergreen Public Schools headquarters on Sept. 1.…

September 7, 2023

Portland Pride weekend: visibility and protest

Portland, Oregon Tens of thousands of Portland’s LGBTQ2S+ community and supporters attended a weekend of events during Portland Pride July…

July 21, 2023

PDX maintenance workers “Sit Down! Fight Back!”

Portland, Oregon  “We won’t stand for it!”  Portland Airport (PDX) wheelchair attendants, baggage and service workers, cabin cleaners and janitors…

July 1, 2023

ON STRIKE: 1,800 Portland Prudential nurses

Portland, Oregon Nurses and clinicians marched off the job June 19 for a weeklong strike after an overwhelming 97% strike…

June 30, 2023

Haydée Santamaría, central figure in the Cuban Revolution

In the early hours of July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and nearly 150 Cuban rebels traveled to the Moncada garrison…

May 24, 2023