LeiLani Dowell

Thousands protest police terror

Events were held around the country on April 14 to protest police terror  under the theme of “Shut it down.”…

April 21, 2015

Protests revive MLK’s struggle legacy

National days of action were held from Jan. 15, the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to…

January 20, 2015

Ferguson spreads: Walk out! Shut down!

Dec. 1 — Resistance and anger over the failure of a grand jury to indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren…

December 5, 2014

Leslie Feinberg: comrade, mentor, friend

I loved my friend. He went away from me. There’s nothing more to say. The poem ends, Soft as it…

November 23, 2014

Solidarity protests with Ferguson: ‘Stop police brutality!’

The demands of the people of Ferguson, Mo., and their continued fight against racism and police impunity are taking root…

October 29, 2014

Brooklyn, N.Y.: No library cuts!

At the Brooklyn Central Library at Grand Army Plaza, librarians protested cuts in jobs and services in the New York…

September 25, 2014

Brooklyn, N.Y.: ’No to gentrification’

The Equality for Flatbush Project held a “Save Affordable Housing/Fight Gentrification Visibility Day” on July 19 to demand an end…

July 22, 2014

Gay Honduran describes gov’t repression

Workers World managing editor LeiLani Dowell spoke with Nelson Arambú, a leader of the LGBT ­community in Honduras and a…

July 10, 2014

Protest hits Con Ed’s criminal neglect

A protest was held at Con Edison’s 2014 annual shareholders meeting in New York City on May 19 to demand…

May 23, 2014

National actions say ‘Not one more deportation!’

More than 80 events were held across the U.S. around the theme of “Not 1 More Deportation!” on April 5,…

April 7, 2014