LeiLani Dowell


Amidst global protests, Amazon rainforest threatened by capitalist neglect

Worldwide protests have denounced the unprecedented number of fires burning in the Amazon rainforest, enabled by the policies of Brazil’s…

August 27, 2019

Anti-racist activists win case in North Carolina court

Anti-racists won a victory Aug. 2 against suppression of their protest when a judge dismissed charges against two activists. The…

August 8, 2019

The persecution of Caster Semenya

The ongoing persecution of South African runner Caster Semenya by the International Association of Athletics Federations has shone a spotlight…

June 18, 2019

Durham People’s Tribunal: the state ‘guilty as hell’

Durham, N.C. — Following on the heels of the dropping of felony charges on Jan. 11 for eight Durham activists…

January 22, 2018

Durham People’s Tribunal to put white supremacy on trial

Activists put courts, cops on trial By Tyler Stuart and LeiLani Dowell Durham, N.C. Comrades and community members in Durham…

January 8, 2018

Trial set for Jan. 11 – Solidarity with Durham anti-racist fighters!

Nationwide, activists are gearing up to show their solidarity with the anti-racist fighters who pulled down a Confederate statue in…

January 1, 2018

Durham anti-racist activists: ‘Be a witness in our defense!’

By LeiLani Dowell and Ben Carroll Durham, N.C. Activists and community and family members gathered here the morning of Dec.…

December 7, 2017

Racist monuments in Durham, N.C.: Coming down ‘by any means necessary’

Continuing the righteous struggle to take down monuments to racism and white supremacy, some 50 protesters rallied at a Sept.…

September 27, 2017

Do It Like Durham update: ‘Struggle, a lifetime commitment’

Durham, N.C. — Some 200 people gathered at 9 a.m. at the Durham courthouse on a rainy Sept. 12 to…

September 20, 2017

National Days of Solidarity with #DefendDurham

An uplifting Bull City Block Party was held on Sept. 9 to celebrate Durham’s continued resistance and tenacity against white…

September 13, 2017