Larry Holmes

Obama’s second term: Which road to liberation?

These excerpts are from a Feb. 23 Workers World Party Black History Month Forum in New York City given by…

March 5, 2013

Reviving a global revolutionary perspective

Excerpts from the Nov. 17 talk given by Larry Holmes, WWP First Secretary and Secretariat member, at the Workers World…

December 7, 2012

WWP leader: ‘It doesn’t matter who wins’

The following excerpts are part of opening remarks given at a Workers World Party forum entitled “The 2012 Capitalist Elections:…

October 15, 2012

Obama, the Democratic Party and the working class

The Republican Party is so blatantly reactionary, so racist, so anti-immigrant, so openly hostile to women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender…

September 12, 2012