Larry Holmes

Wall Street’s worst crisis since ’08

This edited talk was given at a March 12 Workers World Party branch meeting in New York City. It is…

March 16, 2020

Super Tuesday and the Sanders movement

These edited remarks were given by Workers World Party’s First Secretary Larry Holmes at a public meeting on March 5…

March 10, 2020

Elecciones británicas y derrota del Partido Laborista

Esta es una charla ligeramente editada pronunciada durante el foro de Workers World Party/Partido Mundo Obrero el 19 de diciembre…

December 30, 2019

1974 March Against Racism: ‘An important experience for a young revolutionary’

Here are edited excerpts from a talk given by Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes in Boston Dec. 14…

December 28, 2019

The British elections and the defeat of the Labour Party

This is a slightly edited talk from the Dec. 19 Workers World Party forum in New York City. I thought…

December 23, 2019

‘What road to revolution?’

This is a slightly edited version of a talk given by Workers World Party’s First Secretary at a public and…

December 10, 2019

Political organization of the working class: A strategy for the coming crisis

This is a slightly edited version of a document prepared for the May 11-12 Workers World Party national strategy meeting…

May 20, 2019

Lessons for the class struggle in the era of Trumpism

Excerpted from a talk by Larry Holmes, First Secretary of Workers World Party, at a forum on March 28 in…

April 8, 2019

A return to Leninism: The centennial anniversary of the Comintern

Larry Holmes is the First Secretary of Workers World Party. V.I. Lenin, the principal leader of the Russian Revolution, opened…

February 21, 2019

Venezuela and revolutionary internationalism

This is an edited transcript of remarks by Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes at a “Build Global Solidarity…

February 16, 2019