Larry Holmes

Larry Holmes on fighting fascism, white supremacy and capitalism

This is a slightly edited talk given by Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes at the July 23 WWP…

July 28, 2020

Finishing the unfinished revolution — from Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter – a WW commentary

The following is a slightly edited talk given June 19 by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, during the…

June 22, 2020

The anti-police uprising and the emergence of a vital force in the class struggle: youth

Larry Holmes gave this speech, which has been slightly edited, on a Workers World Party webinar June 4 on “No…

June 11, 2020

Pandemics have a way of fomenting social revolutions

The following is a slightly edited talk given during the Workers World Party webinar “What Road to Socialism?” on May…

May 25, 2020

Pandemia ha acelerado etapa final del capitalismo — ¡El resto depende de nosotros! – un análisis

La semana pasada, los trabajadores celebraron el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores 2020. No ha habido otro momento en nuestras…

May 15, 2020

Pandemic has hastened capitalism’s end stage; the rest is up to us! – an analysis

Last week workers celebrated International Workers’ Day 2020. There has been no other time in our lives when the message…

May 8, 2020

WWP message on May Day 2020 is Organize!

This edited talk was given by First Secretary of Workers World Party Larry Holmes at “May Day Webinar! Workers Power:…

May 4, 2020

Wall Street’s worst crisis since ’08

This edited talk was given at a March 12 Workers World Party branch meeting in New York City. It is…

March 16, 2020

Super Tuesday and the Sanders movement

These edited remarks were given by Workers World Party’s First Secretary Larry Holmes at a public meeting on March 5…

March 10, 2020