Larry Holmes

Palestine’s relationship to class struggle worldwide

The excerpted remarks are from a May 27 webinar: “From Palestine to Alabama — The Revolutionary Transformation of the Working…

May 31, 2021

A May Day 2021 manifesto for the revolutionary transformation of the working class

The writer is First Secretary of Workers World Party. To all fighters for the workers and the oppressed of the…

May 3, 2021

Después del voto en Amazon: La organización laboral es un derecho

Los siguientes comentarios editados fueron realizados en un seminario web del 9 de abril titulado “La lucha continúa - Próximos…

April 19, 2021

After Amazon Vote: Unionize ALL workers

The following edited remarks were made on an April 9 webinar entitled “The struggle continues — Next Steps for BAmazon…

April 15, 2021

‘It’s now or never’ — We must free Mumia!

These slightly edited comments were given during the March 18 Workers World Party webinar, “Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Only Treatment is…

April 2, 2021

To defeat fascism, ‘we’ve got to start organizing’

Excerpts taken from Jan. 14 webinar on “Workers Can Defeat Fascism & Racism” sponsored by Workers World Party. To view…

January 18, 2021

‘We’ve got to see this election as a wake up call’

The following is an edited interview conducted by Nate Chase, with Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes, during a…

November 9, 2020

If Trump won’t quit — SHUT! IT! DOWN!

Larry Holmes is the First Secretary of Workers World Party The Rochester Labor Council passed a very forward-thinking resolution on…

October 20, 2020

The Left, the election crisis, and the ‘elephant in the room’

The writer is First Secretary of Workers World Party.  The head of the U.S. Postal Service is sabotaging delivery of…

September 25, 2020

ATTICA REBELLION: Paris Commune of the Black Liberation struggle

The following excerpted article first appeared online Sept. 14, 2016, to mark the 45th anniversary of this historic uprising of…

September 9, 2020