Larry Holmes

The banking crisis: Will it push the working class or fascism to rise up?

The capitalist ruling class is worried that the banking crisis, which began less than a month ago with the collapse…

March 28, 2023

On one-year anniversary of ALU’s historic victory, New York Times does hit job on the union

A year ago, the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) surprised and excited the labor movement and shocked the ruling class with…

March 27, 2023

Un llamado al movimiento

El escritor es el Primer Secretario de Workers World Party/Partido Mundo Obrero. Escrito el 19 de octubre de 2022. Según…

February 20, 2023

Sam Marcy: an apostle of revolutionary class unity

Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar “Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles…

February 13, 2023

Clarion call to the movement
Prepare for the biggest global capitalist crisis in history

The writer is Workers World Party’s First Secretary. According to the International Monetary Fund, most of the world, including the…

October 17, 2022

Top banker says, An economic ‘hurricane’ is coming – Workers of the world, time to get ready to fight!

This slightly edited talk was given by WWP First Secretary, Larry Holmes, at a New York City branch meeting on…

June 20, 2022

La clase obrera y la crisis capitalista mundial

Los siguientes extractos son de los comentarios de Larry Holmes, Primer Secretario del Partido del Mundo Obrero, en una reunión…

June 13, 2022

The working class and the global capitalist crisis

The following excerpts are from remarks by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, at a May 19 New York…

May 27, 2022

Comrades, especially in the U.S., we need to seriously talk about what’s going on in the working class

By Larry Holmes  “In the absence of organization, working people do not constitute a class but rather an incoherent mass,…

March 15, 2022

Transforming the political and social character of the working class movement

Based on remarks given at a June 28 leadership meeting. Holmes is Workers World Party’s First Secretary.   The Teamsters union,…

July 22, 2021