Larry Hales

Honor Chokwe Lumumba

Build a people's assembly Jackson, Miss. -- On March 8, hundreds of people, especially from the South and particularly Jackson,…

March 11, 2014

New investigation, reparations sought for Clarence Moses-El

In November 1996, Clarence Moses-El, who is imprisoned at Kit Carson Correctional Facility in Burlington, Colo., expected to be vindicated…

January 10, 2014

Fighting for people’s power

  Talk given at the 2013 WWP conference by Larry Hales. What drives us as revolutionaries is our ability to…

December 9, 2013

Anatomy of two shootings in Washington, D.C., and Chicago

There were two shootings within days of one another in the United States that have been classified as mass shootings.…

September 26, 2013

The political, historical significance of Chokwe Lumumba mayoral win in Jackson, Miss.

The following article is based on a talk given at a June 14 Workers World Party forum in New York.…

June 25, 2013

The recent trip to Cuba by Jay-Z and Beyonce in proper context

Recently the rapper Jay-Z released a track called “Open Letter” to answer the critics of him and his partner Beyoncé’s…

April 15, 2013

Protest demands justice for Ramarley Graham

New York — On Feb. 2, one year after Ramarley Graham was shot to death in his bathroom in front of…

February 6, 2013

La tragedia de Sandy Hook

Las armas no son su verdadero origen Traducción de Ricardo Garcia Pérez, revisado por MO. A la mayoría de las…

January 2, 2013

Sandy Hook tragedy: Its roots go deeper than guns

Most people find it unconscionable that anyone would deliberately harm a child. In fact, most would have the same reaction…

December 19, 2012

Organize for people’s power

  Excerpts from the Nov. 17 talk given by Larry Hales, WW contributing editor and People’s Power Assemblies Movement organizer,…

December 7, 2012