Kathy Durkin

Women’s marches hit all forms of bigotry

Tens of thousands of protesters marched in 89 cities around the world on Jan. 19 in conjunction with the third…

January 22, 2019

Shut-out federal employees say: Stop the war on workers!

“Stop the war on workers!” and “We want work, not walls!” read signs held by furloughed federal employees at the…

January 15, 2019

Get on the bus to National Day of Mourning!

The 49th National Day of Mourning will take place on Thursday, Nov. 22, the so-called “Thanksgiving” holiday, in Plymouth, Mass.…

November 10, 2018

‘Time’s Up, Google!’ as tech workers walk out in global rolling strike

Google employees walked out around the globe on Nov. 1 to demand an end to sexual misconduct at the multibillion-dollar…

November 6, 2018

Get on the bus to National Day of Mourning!

The 49th National Day of Mourning will take place on Thursday, Nov. 22, the so-called “Thanksgiving” holiday, in Plymouth, Mass.…

October 27, 2018

Germany: 250,000 people reject racism, march in solidarity with immigrants

Anti-racists marched in Berlin, 250,000-strong, in a show of force against the German far right on Oct. 13. They came…

October 19, 2018

‘McStrike’: Low-wage workers walkout in Britain

Low-wage workers at four companies in the retail and hospitality industry, sick and tired of being exploited on the job,…

October 14, 2018

Workers strike at McDonald’s

A plane flew over Chicago displaying the message, "Stop sexual harassment!" aimed at McDonald's headquarters on Sept. 18. That day,…

September 25, 2018

McDonald’s workers set historic strike against sexual abuse

A historic strike is about to take place. On Sept. 18 at noon, McDonald’s workers in 10 cities across the…

September 17, 2018

Israel punishes jailed Palestinians for support of U.S. prison strike

Palestinians confined in Israel’s brutal prisons issued a statement of solidarity on Aug. 20 with the National Prison Strike in…

September 17, 2018