Kathy Durkin

Iran-Venezuela solidarity breaks U.S. blockade

In an act of solidarity, Iran is sending a fleet of five tankers carrying 1.53 million barrels of needed gasoline…

May 26, 2020

Palestinian movement scores big legal win for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in Britain

The Palestine Solidarity Committee won a legal victory for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in Britain when the country's…

May 6, 2020

The jobless crisis and im/migrants

It’s not just COVID-19 that’s racing like wildfire across the U.S. It’s unemployment. The number of newly jobless workers has…

April 29, 2020

Pandemia y capitalismo están detrás del aumento del hambre en EE.UU.

Los productores lecheros están vertiendo millones de galones de leche en las lagunas. Los productores agrícolas están volcando las verduras…

April 28, 2020

Cuban solidarity combats the pandemic from Italy to Angola

What country can always be counted on to show international solidarity and provide concrete aid in a crisis? The people…

April 15, 2020

A global day of action! International Working Women’s Day

Over the years, women have marched for jobs, higher wages, better working conditions and benefits, unions and equal rights in…

March 31, 2020

Mundo Obrero celebra el Día Internacional de las Mujeres Trabajadoras!

Esto se basa parcialmente en artículos publicados previamente en el periódico Workers World para conmemorar el Día Internacional de las…

March 18, 2020

Workers World hails International Working Women’s Day!

This is partially based on articles previously published in Workers World newspaper to commemorate International Working Women's Day. New information…

March 6, 2020

Women’s March Global: ‘Women’s rights are human rights!’

The theme of the fourth annual Women's March Global 2020 was “Women's Rights Are Human Rights.” On Jan. 18, hundreds…

January 21, 2020

Together in solidarity and towards socialism

The Women's March Global, set to take place on Jan. l8, will be the fourth such international protest since 2017…

January 14, 2020