Kathy Durkin

Las brigadas médicas de Cuba luchan contra la pandemia

La Cuba socialista encarna el espíritu de solidaridad internacional mediante su constante ayuda médica a países de todo el mundo,…

December 15, 2020

Cuba’s medical brigades fight the pandemic

Socialist Cuba embodies the spirit of international solidarity by its constant medical aid to countries around the world, especially those…

December 11, 2020

Remembering Sue Davis: Comrade, fighter, writer (1942-2020)

Workers World Party lost a dynamic, dedicated comrade on Sept. 26 when Sue Davis died, a month after suffering a…

November 3, 2020

Viral capitalism: Racist, sexist bosses kill jobs

Another 1.3 million people filed for unemployment benefits during the week of Sept. 28, adding to the ranks of the…

October 13, 2020

Obreras negras y latinx lideran huelga hacia la victoria

¡Ganaron! La histórica huelga de 10 días de trabajadores en instalaciones médicas en tres ciudades de Illinois resultó en una…

October 13, 2020

Illinois: Black and Latinx women health workers lead strike to victory

They won!  The historic 10-day strike by workers at medical facilities in three Illinois cities resulted in an all-out victory,…

September 28, 2020

Illinois: Striking health workers say: ‘We want R-E-S-P-E-C-T and a contract!’

Solidarity was on display when striking nurses and service workers rallied together outside the Thompson Center in Chicago on Sept.…

September 22, 2020

Letetra Widham, sister of Jacob Blake, says “I want change!”

Letetra Widham declared, “I don't want your pity. I want change!” The sister of Jacob Blake gave an impassioned talk…

August 31, 2020

Global campaign frees Mahmoud Nawajaa

Mahmoud Nawajaa is free! An international campaign pressured Israel to release the general coordinator of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and…

August 21, 2020

Fed-up women health workers lead strike of 3.5 million across India

Workers around the world are demonstrating against their governments’ policies in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. From South America to…

August 13, 2020