Kathy Durkin

Trabajadores/as de comida rápida demandan mejores salarios

29 de julio — ¡"No podemos sobrevivir con $7.25"! y ¿"Qué es escandaloso?  ¡Salarios de miseria"! gritaban cientos de huelguistas…

August 6, 2013

Fast-food workers demand ‘living wage’

July 29 — “We can’t survive on $7.25!” and “What’s outrageous? Poverty wages!” chanted hundreds of striking fast-food workers and their supporters outside…

July 30, 2013

‘People’s filibuster’ in Texas cheered across country

Reactionary politicians are brazenly trying to push through anti-reproductive rights bills in several states but they are being strongly resisted…

July 10, 2013

Low-wage garment workers fight giant retailers

Just 22 days after the horrific Rana Plaza building cave-in killed more than 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers, two workers died…

June 9, 2013

Workers protest in Bangladesh, need solidarity

The death toll is more than 1050 in the calamitous factory cave-in on April 24 at Rana Plaza in Savar,…

May 12, 2013

Bangladeshis rebel against corporate rule

April 29 — In Savar, an industrial suburb of Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, nearly 400 workers, mostly women, have died in…

May 1, 2013

Who’s to blame as hundreds die in Bangladeshi factory collapse

In Savar, an industrial suburb of Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, at least 300 workers, mostly women, died at the Rana Plaza garment…

April 26, 2013

Social Security belongs to the workers

What will happen to our Social Security benefits? This question is being asked by the program’s 56 million recipients in response…

April 19, 2013

Europe: Protests hit austerity

When European Union leaders gathered at their economic summit meeting in Brussels, they were confronted by thousands of protesters who denounced…

March 20, 2013

International Women’s Day actions around the world

International Women’s Day, March 8, was established at a 1910 European socialist women’s conference. It was proposed by German socialist…

March 13, 2013