Kathy Durkin

Justice for John Crawford!

There is now no justice for John Crawford III, the 22-year-old African-American youth killed on Aug. 5 in a Wal-Mart store…

October 1, 2014

Cuba helps fight Ebola

In a stellar example of solidarity with the people of West Africa, socialist Cuba will provide health care workers to…

September 21, 2014

WWP on solidarity with low-wage workers

Below are excerpts from a talk given by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party first secretary, at a WWP forum in…

September 13, 2014

People’s Climate March

The People’s Climate March, which organizers expect will attract 100,000 people, is set for Sept. 21 in New York City.…

September 5, 2014

Support Jamil Al-Amin

Preparations are underway for an evening of “Love and Resistance for Imam Jamil Al-Amin,” on Sept. 12 in New York…

September 5, 2014

Behind the Supreme Court’s reactionary rulings

The Supreme Court finished its spring term with a reactionary siege on women’s and workers’ rights. The court assailed women’s…

July 11, 2014

Ruling aids anti-choice terror

Top court attacks women The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling eliminating a 35-foot buffer zone around clinics that provide reproductive…

July 2, 2014

May Day in U.S. targets the 1%

May Day — International Workers’ Day — was commemorated across the country with calls for workers’ rights, a $15 minimum…

May 7, 2014

Bangladesh: Who killed 1,135 garment workers?

April 24 is the first anniversary of the horrific Rana Plaza building collapse in Dakar, Bangladesh, when at least 1,135…

April 24, 2014

Right-wing extremist destroys clinic

The All Families Health Center in Kalispell, Mont., was operational for only three weeks when it was vandalized and destroyed…

April 5, 2014