Kathy Durkin

Anti-worker labor secretary pick protested

How would most workers react if the CEO of the company that employs them was nominated to be the U.S.…

January 17, 2017

Solidarity with Indigenous sovereignty

As we go to print, on Nov. 20 the North Dakota police, backed by Blackwater mercenaries, fired water cannons at…

November 21, 2016

Whistleblower Manning punished for suicide attempt

In an arbitrary and inhumane decision, a U.S. Army disciplinary board sentenced heroic whistleblower Chelsea Manning to solitary confinement as…

September 25, 2016

Detained immigrant women start hunger strike

Women immigrants held in the Berks County Family Detention Center in Leesport, Pa., launched a courageous hunger strike on Aug.…

August 22, 2016

After arson fire, community rebuffs racism

On the first day of August, a shocking letter was delivered to Kenneth Walker in North Tonawanda, an overwhelmingly white…

August 18, 2016

No more Hiroshimas and Nagasakis!

August 6 and 9, 1945, went down in history as days of infamy for U.S. imperialism — and days of…

August 14, 2016

Albert Woodfox tells supporters: ‘Stand strong!’

New York City Former political prisoner Albert Woodfox was given an award by the National Lawyers Guild on Aug. 4,…

August 12, 2016

Free Chelsea Manning!

May 27 marked six years that Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning has been held in military custody. The heroic 28-year-old WikiLeaks…

July 24, 2016

Okinawans resist U.S. military bases

Resistance is alive and well in Okinawa. Some 65,000 people rallied on June 19 in Naha, the island’s capital city,…

July 5, 2016

Verizon strikers fight for all workers

For more than a month, Verizon workers in the company’s landline and broadband FIOS sectors have been on strike in…

May 19, 2016