Judy Greenspan

‘Day of Rage’ against Zionist annexation

When Palestine is under attack, what do we do? Unite and fight back! And that’s just what thousands of protesters…

July 9, 2020

Black Organizing Project gana campaña para desmantelar departamento de policía escolar

Por Judy Greenspan Oakland, California The Black Organizing Project (BOP), es una organización comunitaria liderada por miembros negros que trabaja…

July 9, 2020

Release San Quentin prisoners immediately!

Oakland, Calif. July 5 — After a large prisoner transfer to San Quentin State Prison dramatically increased the COVID infection…

July 8, 2020

Black Organizing Project wins campaign to dismantle school police department

Oakland, Calif. In the midst of a dangerous pandemic, the Black Organizing Project has won an unprecedented victory for the…

June 30, 2020

Juneteenth: ILWU shuts down 29 ports along the West Coast

Oakland, Calif. Taking bold stands against systemic racism and oppression is nothing new for the Bay Area’s Longshore and Warehouse…

June 22, 2020

Free Muntaqim, Mutulu and all U.S. political prisoners!

Two prisoner liberation movements in the U.S. have finally awakened people to the fact that there are political prisoners in…

June 19, 2020

Close to victory: Campaign to end the Oakland School Police Department

Oakland, Calif. June 14 — For nearly 10 years, the Black Organizing Project has been fighting to defund and dismantle…

June 17, 2020

At San Quentin: ‘No state execution by COVID-19!’

May 9 — It was no coincidence or geographical convenience that prisoners’ rights advocates organized a car caravan today to…

May 12, 2020

Oakland school Board cuts educational services, not school cops

Oakland, Calif. March 4 -- Tonight the Oakland School Board made a decision to cut more than $20 million from…

March 24, 2020

Sanctions Kill campaign March 14 webinar program

California Bay Area Even the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic could not keep the Sanctions Kill coalition from holding its March 14…

March 18, 2020