Judy Greenspan

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee urgently needs support

The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has launched an urgent appeal for funds to support legal efforts to free this…

February 17, 2021

Biden and Harris won’t help prisoners

The following are lightly edited remarks from a Workers World Party webinar on January 21. It’s actually been a very…

February 12, 2021

Bay Area movement: ‘Mass releases, not mass deaths!’

Oakland, Calif. Jan. 31 — Today as a plane pulled a banner, “Newsom: Free prisoners 2 stop Covid deaths,” through…

February 3, 2021

The criminal injustice system is a bipartisan effort

On Jan. 15 at the death row prison in Terre Haute, Ind., with less than a week to go of…

January 20, 2021

For exposing COVID-19 outbreak, Black newspaper editor faces retaliation

What happens when a federal prisoner who has just become the Editor-in-Chief of the San Francisco Bay View National Black…

January 19, 2021

Bay Area anti-fascist protest

Jan. 9--A rally against fascism organized by the United Front Committee for a Labor Party drew a small but enthusiastic…

January 15, 2021

Demonstrators besiege California prison HQ: ‘Mass releases now!’

Sacramento, Calif. Dec. 17 — Under the banner “From Balloons to Bullhorns,” an angry group of protesters converged on the…

December 24, 2020

Protest demands health care is a right – Treat Tyejaun or free him!

Martinez, Calif.  Family members, friends, social workers, teachers and prisoners’ rights advocates converged on the Martinez Detention Facility in Martinez,…

November 25, 2020

Bay Area protest demands ‘Close the camps, abolish ICE!’

San Francisco Nov. 14 — If today’s demonstration is any indication, the Bay Area immigrant rights movement holds both Republican…

November 20, 2020

Sistas With Voices demand mass releases at San Quentin

San Rafael, Calif. Nov. 8 — Today, prisoner support groups and family members held a spirited demonstration at San Quentin…

November 11, 2020