Judy Greenspan

Scapegoating the homeless for climate crisis

Two weeks ago, when President Donald Trump flew to California for two days to fundraise for his election campaign, his…

October 4, 2019

Sept. 16: Day Without Immigrants SF

On Sept. 16, more than 3,000 im/migrants and their supporters gathered in San Francisco’s Mission District to demand “Close the…

September 24, 2019

30th anniversary of Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan celebrated in Bay Area

Friends of revolutionary Cuba gathered at the Berkeley Fellowship Hall in the Bay Area on June 18 to celebrate the…

June 30, 2019

Oakland teachers’ strike remains strong

Oakland teachers went on strike Feb. 21 in a fight against privatization and for racial justice in Oakland schools. Striking…

February 25, 2019

Enough is enough! Oakland teachers set Feb. 21 strike date

At a Feb. 16 press conference Oakland Education Association President Keith Brown said, “Enough is enough. Bargaining with our school…

February 19, 2019

Oakland teachers stage wildcat, are ready to strike

Jan. 20 -- As a large banner was hoisted today on the walls of the union headquarters, President Keith Brown…

January 22, 2019

Oakland teacher unions prepare for action

Jan. 15:  Yesterday 30,000 Los Angeles public school teachers went out on strike. Today teachers will be picketing 1,000 schools…

January 15, 2019

Oakland action to support International Day of Solidarity with the Migrant Caravan

A community rally was held at Fruitvale Station in the heart of East Oakland, Calif., on Nov. 25, led by…

December 3, 2018

At Peace and Freedom Party convention, WWP builds solidarity for Black Lives Matter movement

Sacramento, Calif. At this year’s Peace and Freedom Party convention, held Aug. 12-14 in Sacramento, Calif., delegates were reminded of…

August 16, 2016

Teachers of Mexico say: ‘Our education is not for sale!’

Morelos, Mexico, July 10 — Many public schools in the Mexican states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas, Tabasco and others will…

July 14, 2016