Joyce Chediac

People with disabilities say ‘Our struggle is not over’

“We are proud of who we are” and “Our struggle is not over” were the main themes here on July…

July 14, 2015

Punishment for profit: The economics of mass incarceration

“Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today -- perhaps…

May 4, 2015

Disabled and civil rights groups raise alarm over Supreme Court case on police shootings

A case before the U.S. Supreme Court which seeks police exemption from the Americans with Disabilities Act has critical importance…

February 10, 2015

People with disabilities half of people killed by cops; disability rights groups protest

Disabled-rights groups are among the most energetic advocates of solidarity with African-American victims of police murder. Some 34 disability activist…

January 24, 2015

Facts you should know about the fighting in Gaza

Since Israel began a military offensive in Gaza on July 8, some 2,000 Palestinians and 68 Israelis have been killed. What is…

August 19, 2014

How the corporate media profit from Israeli genocide

NBC 'witchhunts' reporters who don’t give official line An anonymous NBC producer described “a top-down intimidation campaign aimed at presenting…

August 5, 2014

Disability rights in the age of austerity

In 2007, archaeologists Lorna Tilley and Marc Oxenham found the bones of a young man who lived 4,000 years ago…

July 31, 2014

Todos somos Gaza

EUA provee armas y cobertura diplomática para la limpieza étnica israelí en Gaza 22 de julio — La horrenda agresión…

July 29, 2014

We are all Gaza

U.S. provides, weapons, diplomatic cover for Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza July 22 — Israel’s horrific assault on the people…

July 22, 2014

Boston School Bus drivers’ union, supporters call for Solidarity Day III

Going to Boston to help build support for the School Bus Drivers, United Steelworkers Local 8751 was a unique and…

June 23, 2014