Johnnie Stevens

Rallies denounce sanctions on Zimbabwe

On a weekday afternoon, dozens of people demonstrated on Sept. 21 in Dag Hammarskjöld Park across from the United Nations…

September 26, 2017

Protesters demand sovereignty for Puerto Rico

The struggle for sovereignty for Puerto Rico was the theme of an all-day protest Sept. 19 across from the United…

September 25, 2017

COSATU’s general strike and international march demand labor rights in South Africa

Durban, South Africa - The Congress of South African Trade Unions followed a successful one-day national general strike on Oct.…

October 17, 2016

New Yorkers ACT-UP against Ebola

New York -- Some 100 activists rallied here outside Bellevue Hospital in a protest organized by the AIDS Coalition to…

November 5, 2014

Staten Island, N.Y., hosts Ebola Summit

An Ebola Summit held here at the Berta Dreyfus Public School 49 on Oct. 25 brought together a diverse group…

October 29, 2014

Community activist wins R.I. primary

Providence, R.I. -- African-American activist Mary Kay Harris won the Democratic primary nomination on Sept. 9 for Providence City Council…

September 24, 2014

People pack court to defend Ramsey Orta

Staten Island, N.Y., Sept. 5 — Today’s appearance of Ramsey Orta in Richmond County Supreme Court became a people’s victory,…

September 13, 2014

‘Save the Bronx Post Office’ rally held

Bronx, N.Y. -- “The Postal Service is under siege” was how Chuck Zlatkin, political director of the NY Metro Area…

October 4, 2013

New York livery drivers protest, occupy Taxi Commission

Two hundred livery cab drivers, union members of the Coalition of Taxicabs of New York, demonstrated outside the headquarters of…

September 12, 2013

Sandy and Katrina: What makes them different

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently said, “Superstorm Hurricane Sandy caused more property damage and affected a greater number of…

December 16, 2012