John Steffin

Columbia Graduate Workers’ strike: New era of struggle

Teaching and research assistants at Columbia University went on strike April 24, demanding the university recognize and bargain with the…

May 7, 2018

Spectrum strike: Second year in workers’ war with banks

It has now been over a year since 1,800 members of International Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 3 went on strike…

April 15, 2018

Battle of Blair Mountain still rings true

The role of West Virginia’s education workers who are reviving a militant spirit in U.S. labor should come as no…

March 7, 2018

No union-busting at Columbia University

New York City — Unions and allies at Columbia University are gearing up for a militant protest against “right-to-work-for-less” right-winger…

February 22, 2018

Activists call for ‘Days of Rage against Trump and Capitalism’

Despite a brutal year of attacks on the working class, especially on the most oppressed, the spirit of rebellion cannot…

January 11, 2018

Activists call for ‘Days of Rage against Trump and Capitalism’

Despite a brutal year of attacks on the working class, especially on the most oppressed, the spirit of rebellion cannot…

January 9, 2018

Courage, discipline in face of fascists

The Solidarity Center in New York City was standing room only as impassioned anti-racist activists gathered Aug. 17 to hear…

August 23, 2017

Venezuela: A tale of two votes and what democracy looks like

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro called on May 1 for a National Constituent Assembly to resolve the crisis in the country.…

August 7, 2017

Hundreds protest as MTA board tries to ignore them

With New York City subways in crisis, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board met again on July 26. Hundreds of people,…

August 2, 2017

Venezuela analysis: The gains of the Bolivarian Revolution

The people of Venezuela are currently taking steps to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution, and the U.S. ruling class is now…

July 25, 2017