Joseph Piette

Philadelphia activists demand justice for Rekia Boyd

In response to the outrageous Chicago court decision exonerating the police in the killing of unarmed, 22-year-old Rekia Boyd, shot…

April 23, 2015

Philadelphia marchers protest Ayotzinapa outrage

Some six months since 43 students disappeared in southern Mexico, their parents are traveling across the United States calling for…

April 15, 2015

Activists demand no medical execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Frackville, Pa., April 3 — Car caravans carrying over 40 people travelled from Philadelphia and New York City today to…

April 5, 2015

Philadelphia adjuncts march for union rights

Philadelphia -- Temple University adjunct faculty, tenured and nontenured, as well as students marched for justice on Feb. 23 despite…

February 28, 2015

Philadelphia: Vigil for three killed in Carolina

Some 100 students and community members came out despite frigid weather for a vigil on Feb. 12 in Philadelphia. They…

February 13, 2015

NYPD charged with illegally targeting Muslims

Over 100 people rallied and heard testimony in Philadelphia Federal Court on Jan. 13 in support of Muslim civil rights…

January 24, 2015

As postal bosses meet in D.C., unions rally against downsizing

Officials at the headquarters of the U.S. Postal Service in Washington, D.C., kept an angry, overflow crowd in the lobby…

November 20, 2014

Thousands in Philadelphia protest attack on public education

The battle of Philadelphia students and teachers has intensified in the wake of the shocking Oct. 6 School Reform Commission…

October 24, 2014

Another protest hits Staples

A Staples store in Center City, Philadelphia, was picketed Oct. 7 by members of the American Postal Workers Union, the…

October 17, 2014

Postal workers target privatization

The threat of privatization hung in the air as thousands of postal worker union members met in separate conventions July…

August 3, 2014