Joseph Piette

Philadelphia’s workers and oppressed denied education, jobs

Why does Philadelphia, a major center of university education in the U.S., have so much poverty? This city has the…

February 27, 2014

Postal workers, supporters in D.C.: ‘Don’t let another life be taken’

Washington, D.C. -- Letter carriers and community supporters assembled in the midst of hundreds of people at the recently dedicated…

January 24, 2014

Philadelphia rally for school funding

Hundreds of students, teachers and parents marched in Philadelphia on Dec. 9 as part of national protests to demand fair…

December 20, 2013

Meeting on Philippine disaster

What role did global warming play in creating the most powerful typhoon in recorded history? How helpful is Pentagon “humanitarian…

December 9, 2013

Solidarity with Rasmea Odeh

At a Nov. 13 rally called by the Philadelphia Boycott, Divest and Sanctions group and the Philadelphia International Action Center,…

December 3, 2013

Boston Solidarity Day: Reinstate fired bus union leaders!

Nov. 9 — Solidarity Day for the Boston School Bus Union 5 drew hundreds of drivers from Steelworkers Local 8751,…

November 13, 2013

Reinstate fired labor leaders — Solidarity with Boston bus union

Nov. 4 — The notorious Veolia Corporation fired two leaders of Steelworkers Local 8751 on Nov 1. "You are discharged, effective…

November 5, 2013

Struggle against Crown Holdings crosses borders

Philadelphia — A busload of 50 strikers from United Steelworkers Local 9176 in Toronto joined 50 other USW members and local…

October 31, 2013

Workers’ unity, struggle puts brakes on firing of School Bus Union 5

Boston, Oct. 23 — In an impressive display of strength and unity in the face of a state attack against…

October 24, 2013

Struggle against Crown Holdings crosses borders

Philadelphia — A busload of 50 strikers from United Steelworkers Local 9176 in Toronto joined 50 other USW members and…

October 22, 2013