Jim McMahan

Cops dismantle CHOP, Seattle anti-racist protests continue

After 3 1/2 weeks of anti-racist organizing at the Capital Hill Organizing Protest (CHOP),  Seattle cops raided and closed the…

July 7, 2020

Seattle longshore workers stop work on Juneteenth

Seattle Longshore workers and supporters in Seattle marched on Juneteenth ((June 19, 1865, is the date the Emancipation Proclamation reached…

June 22, 2020

Seattle’s 60,000-strong march propels anti-racist struggle in Washington state

Seattle June 13 —  Some 60,000 people, propelled by the ongoing global struggle against racist police repression, took part in…

June 15, 2020

Striking packinghouse workers win signed agreements for safety

Seattle Immigrant workers, on strike against Washington state fruit packinghouses since May 7, won another victory on May 28. The…

June 1, 2020

Packinghouse workers strike vs. bosses & COVID-19

Seattle May 24 — Strikes broke out May 7 in several apple packinghouses and continue in Washington state’s Yakima Valley.…

May 28, 2020

Tax Amazon for housing and COVID-19 relief!

Seattle Seattle already had over 11,000 people affected by a dangerous hepatitis A epidemic affecting 100 of them when the…

April 15, 2020

Prisoners, workers vs. pandemic profiteers

Seattle Worker actions and organizing to save lives during the coronavirus pandemic have run into conflict with the capitalists’ efforts…

April 3, 2020

Seattle: Workers need health care, not Trumpcare! WW commentary

Seattle March 9 -- In Washington state, there were 15 deaths from COVID-19 (coronavirus) and 79 diagnosed cases of the…

March 13, 2020

Solidarity in Seattle with Wet’suwet’en Nation

About a hundred people marched through central Seattle in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation of Canada on Feb. 29. This…

March 4, 2020

Seattle hospital workers strike: 7800 say “Patients before profits!”

For three days, from Jan. 28 to 30, 7,800 Seattle-area hospital workers struck the giant consortium Swedish at seven hospitals.…

February 5, 2020