Jim McMahan

Clock ticking to ‘Free Leonard Peltier!’

Olympia, Wash. Marching behind a “Free Leonard Peltier” banner, demonstrators demanded presidential clemency for the Native American political prisoner at…

October 2, 2016

Cuba Caravan says ‘End the blockade!’

Seattle -- The 27th U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan has been launched and is now conducting educational work about the important role…

July 15, 2016

Environmental, Indigenous groups protest climate change

Anacortes, Wash. - From May 13 through May 15, the group “Break Free Pacific Northwest” held a weekend of actions…

May 23, 2016

Demand an end to immigrant detention and deportation

TACOMA, WASH. On Nov. 21, a demonstration of 200 people marched on the Tacoma immigration prison. It was organized by…

December 4, 2015

Anti-racists drown out immigrant bashers

In an action important for international solidarity, a strong showing of 150 anti-racist protesters drowned out a much smaller rally…

November 25, 2015

Seattle teachers reach agreement, suspend strike

Seattle teachers and staff suspended their seven-day strike against the Seattle School District on Sept. 15. The strike, with an…

October 2, 2015

Seattle teachers win strong support during 7-day strike

Seattle teachers and staff suspended their 7-day strike against the Seattle School District on Sept. 15. The strike, with an…

September 22, 2015

Seattle teachers strike for better schools

Sept. 12 — Fed up with a hail of attacks on public schools, 5,000 Seattle teachers and staff workers went…

September 12, 2015

Seattle teachers on strike

The Seattle Education Association voted unanimously to strike on Sept. 3. After a thunderous “yes!” vote to strike, teachers reported…

September 9, 2015

Farmworkers union on the march

Burlington, Wash. -- Hundreds of farmworkers from Familias Unidas por la Justicia marched along with supporters here on July 11.…

July 15, 2015