Jim McMahan

Centennial of the Seattle General Strike

From Feb. 6 to 11, 1919, some 60,000 workers, led by 35,000 shipyard workers, shut down Seattle -- population 300,000…

February 7, 2019

Immigrant detention breeds resistance

Tacoma, Wash. — It was “Free Saja” Day on Oct. 21 at the Northwest Detention Center as people rallied to…

October 27, 2018

Northwest farmworkers battle Darigold dairy

Seattle — A united front of labor and community groups came together at Darigold headquarters in Seattle on Sept. 20,…

September 30, 2018

Red for Ed energizes West Coast struggle

Seattle — Education workers’ strikes in this state continue. Some 2,600 teachers in Tacoma, Wash., walked out on Sept. 6.…

September 13, 2018

Education worker strikes begin again

Seattle — Heading into Labor Day, teachers at seven Washington Education Association locals are on strike. More walkouts could follow.…

September 5, 2018

Hunger strike at immigrant prison

Seattle — The Northwest Detention Center Resistance held a protest against immigrant detention on July 14 at the Northwest Detention…

August 9, 2018

U.S. Big Business buys Trump’s election and blames Russia

President Trump won the 2016 election with at least $1 billion in contributions — also known as bribes — from…

August 2, 2018

Domestic workers organize for rights and against ICE

Seattle — Domestic workers here have won industrywide standards under basic labor laws for the first time by winning a…

July 30, 2018

Seattle rally for migrant children and families

In Seattle 300 people demonstrated June 1 at the U.S. Courthouse to denounce the Trump/Sessions’ racist separation of migrant families.…

June 7, 2018

Labor, community take on Amazon

Massive gentrification in Seattle, led by the Amazon company and its headquarters here, has restructured the city. Amazon now rents…

May 17, 2018