J. White

Florida organizer: ‘Help sustain prisoner strike!’

White interviewed Karen Smith from the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee on Jan. 20. White: Can you provide some background on…

January 24, 2018

Florida prisoners launch strike against slave labor

Lake Butler Work Camp, Fla., Jan. 16 -- There is one place in the U.S. where slavery is still constitutionally…

January 16, 2018

New tax scam shifts more wealth to wealthy

Contrary to the lie that the Republicans are proposing populist relief for all taxpayers, an honest analysis of the proposed…

November 29, 2017

Stop racist Ryan’s tax plan: Workers to suffer while bosses benefit

"The only things one can be sure of regarding whatever it is that the Republican congressional majorities come up with…

November 7, 2017

Unions ‘Come Out with Pride’ at Orlando march

Orlando, Fla. — Thousands attended the “Come Out With Pride” march here on Oct. 14, an annual event that has…

October 19, 2017

Después de destrucción por huracán: ‘¡A cancelar la injusta deuda de Puerto Rico!’

Orlando, Fla. — Decenas de puertorriqueñas/os en Orlando, cuyas familias sufren en la isla después del huracán María, se reunieron…

October 17, 2017

After hurricane destruction: ‘Cancel Puerto Rico’s unjust debt!’

Orlando, Fla. — Dozens of Puerto Ricans in Orlando, whose families are suffering on the island after Hurricane Maria, gathered…

October 10, 2017

Chicago strike! 25,000 unite in march vs austerity

A one-day strike, initiated April 1 by the Chicago Teachers Union and Fight for $15, was joined by over 50…

April 5, 2016

Chicago cops kill two more, protests mount

Chicago, Dec. 30 -- Police here shot and killed Quintonio LeGreir, 19, a college student home on break from Northern Illinois…

January 1, 2016

Mass pressure builds to fire Chicago mayor

Demonstrators continue to march, protest and shut down major intersections in Chicago despite a Dec. 9 speech by Mayor Rahm Emanuel…

December 15, 2015