Jerry Goldberg

Beating back billionaires’ agenda in Michigan

Sterling Heights, Mich. - A militant demonstration organized by the Michigan Peoples Defense Network countered a Trump rally here on…

March 10, 2017

Report confirms root of Detroit foreclosure crisis

A powerful report on Detroit’s foreclosure crisis was published in the Detroit News June 25-27. (See The articles were…

July 2, 2015

Plans made to stop tax foreclosure tsunami in Detroit

A dynamic “Emergency People’s Assembly to Stop Tax Foreclosures” on March 14 planned a series of actions to demand a…

March 24, 2015

Banks bailed out — themselves

Detroit, Feb. 1 — When the Troika — the International Monetary Fund, European Commission and European Central Bank — disbursed…

February 3, 2015

How capitalism ravaged Detroit

Excerpt from talk by Jerry Goldberg at the national WWP conference in New York City, Nov. 15-16, 2014. If anyone…

January 8, 2015

Retirees take brunt of cuts as judge approves Detroit bankruptcy

The “plan of adjustment” to end Detroit’s Chapter 9 bankruptcy means that city worker retirees shoulder virtually the entire burden…

November 11, 2014

U.N. rapporteurs visit Detroit

After a three-day fact-finding mission in the city of Detroit from Oct. 18-20, two U.N. Special Rapporteurs issued a scathing indictment of all…

October 28, 2014

Mortgage crisis continues

A new report documents how millions of people across the U.S. continue to suffer the effects of the housing crisis…

May 22, 2014

Detroit bankruptcy: WAR ON PENSIONS!

City of Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, the figurehead named by reactionary Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder to run Detroit and…

July 24, 2013

S&P exposed for role in banks’ mortgage fraud

A lawsuit was filed in federal court Feb. 4 by the U.S. Justice Department against Standard & Poor’s for massive…

February 15, 2013