Jerry Goldberg

Jerry Goldberg

Detroit LGBTQ Pride forumDetroit LGBTQ Pride forum

Detroit LGBTQ Pride forum

Workers World Party-Michigan had a packed house for its 2018 LGBTQ Pride forum on June 16. Tom Kalish, chairing, reported…

July 1, 2018
Michigan Poor People’s Campaign unites unions, communitiesMichigan Poor People’s Campaign unites unions, communities

Michigan Poor People’s Campaign unites unions, communities

Lansing, Mich. — The Michigan Poor People’s Campaign action on June 11 was the largest yet. Some 500 activists protested…

June 21, 2018
Conference to Defeat Austerity set for March 24 in DetroitConference to Defeat Austerity set for March 24 in Detroit

Conference to Defeat Austerity set for March 24 in Detroit

A National Conference to Defeat Austerity will take place in Detroit on Saturday, March 24, at St. Matthew’s-St. Joseph’s Church,…

February 12, 2018
Banks keep Puerto Rico in the darkBanks keep Puerto Rico in the dark

Banks keep Puerto Rico in the dark

Since 2007 approximately 75 percent of the $9 billion to $11 billion in bonds issued by Puerto Rico’s Electric Power…

September 26, 2017
Michigan activists fight home auctionsMichigan activists fight home auctions

Michigan activists fight home auctions

A demonstration at the Wayne County treasurer’s home on Aug. 31 and a subsequent action at the treasurer’s office on…

September 7, 2017
Bolivarian rep on situation in VenezuelaBolivarian rep on situation in Venezuela

Bolivarian rep on situation in Venezuela

Detroit Workers World Party and the Moratorium Now! Coalition held a meeting Aug. 17 to defend the Bolivarian Revolution in…

August 27, 2017
Detroit against foreclosures & for housing for people, not banksDetroit against foreclosures & for housing for people, not banks

Detroit against foreclosures & for housing for people, not banks

A public forum on June 17 addressed the continuing tax foreclosure crisis in Detroit that has left thousands of families…

June 26, 2017
Decenas de miles enfrentan ejecuciones hipotecarias y cortes de aguaDecenas de miles enfrentan ejecuciones hipotecarias y cortes de agua

Decenas de miles enfrentan ejecuciones hipotecarias y cortes de agua

10 de mayo Más de 8.000 familias de Flint, Michigan, están enfrentando la pérdida de sus casas debido a facturas…

May 16, 2017
Tens of thousands face foreclosures, water shutoffsTens of thousands face foreclosures, water shutoffs

Tens of thousands face foreclosures, water shutoffs

Over 8,000 Flint, Mich., families are facing the loss of their homes due to unpaid bills for poisoned water. The…

May 10, 2017
Detroit protest demands release of fundsDetroit protest demands release of funds

Detroit protest demands release of funds

A demonstration at the Wayne County Treasurer’s office in Detroit on March 31 called for an immediate moratorium on tax…

April 9, 2017