John Catalinotto

Massive Brazil protests demand ‘Vaccine in arm, food on plate, Bolsonaro out!’

Organizers say some three-quarters of a million people demonstrated in over 400 cities in Brazil and around the world on…

June 24, 2021

‘American’ imperialism is back–Biden, Blinken, Burns and Austin

Joe Biden ended his weeklong diplomatic trip to Europe June 17 and returned to Washington. It revealed what he meant…

June 22, 2021

Peru: Fujimori threatens pre-emptive coup

Thousands of poor Peruvians from the countryside and mountains have gone to Lima to demonstrate support for Pedro Castillo, the…

June 22, 2021

Masses battle rightist regimes in Colombia, Brazil, Chile

Ongoing struggles in three South American countries show the general uprising that began in 2019 is still challenging right-wing ruling…

June 2, 2021

Colombia: Broad general strike challenges ‘narc-oligarchy’

May 23 — The general strike against anti-poor “reforms” in Colombia is finishing its fourth week. So far, every test…

May 25, 2021

The Paris Commune’s 150th anniversary – A blueprint for revolution

An uprising in Paris on March 18, 1871, toward the end of the Franco-Prussian War, burst open the structure of…

March 19, 2021

Milošević trial exposed U.S.-NATO aggression against Yugoslavia

Few people in the United States, even those in the movement that opposes U.S. imperialist aggression, remember that March 11…

March 11, 2021

‘Rubin never lost a case’ – Rubin Kanowitz, 1931-2021

Some younger Workers World Party members met Rubin Kanowitz for the first time when he was a communist elder, still…

February 26, 2021

Es hora que los trabajadores derroten al racismo y al fascismo – salida de Trump

18 de enero. Se espera que una cantidad sin precedentes de 25.000 efectivos de la Guardia Nacional de 50 estados,…

January 25, 2021

Trump OUT – Time for workers to defeat racism, fascism

An unprecedented 25,000 National Guard troops from 50 states plus thousands of local and Capitol police are expected to occupy…

January 19, 2021